So I began this journey on June 18th and have lost 6.2 pounds so far. I decided to combine a few different "diet" plans to work for me and it's really made a difference! I love pasta and fried foods but knew they needed to be almost non-existent in the beginning, so I've taken most of these foods off my list for now. I've also removed fruit until next week-June 19th, the reason is to rid my body of sugar and cleanse my system. I do have a few carbs in my day but portion control is key and I only have them at one meal. Below is a small list of lifestyle changes I've implemented, not too much but enough to get me losing weight and feeling good.
Water is extremely important for your skin, body balance and overall health. I drink one bottle of water (16.9 oz) as soon as I wake up, before I eat breakfast or have my coffee. I drink another bottle between breakfast and lunch and then at least one more in the afternoon. I know this may seem like a lot at first but I promise it helps you feel full and eat less.
One plan I am taking advice from is South Beach. The basic concept is broken down into three phases. Phase 1 is no carbs or sugar for two weeks. You eat only lean proteins, beans, green veggies and dairy. You are allowed two caffeinated drinks a day but decaf is recommended. This is a great way to watch the numbers on the scale drop quickly!
I thought this aspect was going to be difficult for me. As a society we have grown way too comfortable with big plates, big spoons, and big portions. I decided to eat all of my food on a small salad plate, use the smallest spoons we have, and use measuring cups to scoop my food out of pots and pans. I bought spoon shaped measuring cups from Target and they work really well. I no longer go back for seconds and eating leftovers from my kids' plates is totally off-limits. When I was younger the Clean Your Plate motto was heavily enforced. Even though I've tried to end this way of thinking, when I see food on my kids' plates I'm quick to eat it. I caught myself doing this a few months ago when I went to my in-law's. Grandma made breakfast and the kiddos were not eating very much. I cleaned my plate and then proceeded to eat off of their plates so my MIL would not feel insulted. When I told Bryan about it he said I was being ridiculous and to not worry so much. But there was a need in me for her to feel the kids liked her cooking and that they were good eaters. I've spoken with other Moms who eat off of their kids' plates so I know I'm not alone. Stopping this behavior is a big step for we give the leftovers to the dogs! And when I feel the urge at the dinner table I ask Bryan to take the plates away or instruct the kids to clear the table.
The last food I ingest for the day is approximately 4 hours before bedtime. The first week I had a headache every night but now it's not so bad. Your body isn't working on extra food to digest and can get ready for the following day. But be warned, you will wake up hungry the next morning!!
I'm doing 20 minute High Interval Training workouts every other day to two days. These work you hard in a short amount of time and your burn plenty of calories. A lot of the workouts you can do at home, I am currently working on
The Firm and love the videos. Working out with weights is great for your body. Pinterest also has plenty of workout tips. Just get moving!!!!
Eat more at home...duh!! You don't have to be a gourmet cook but try to eat at least 9 meals a week at home. I do plenty of recipe searching on the internet and you can find very simple recipes. Plan your meals ahead and it saves you even more time. I will post more about meal planning soon.