Weight Loss

I can remember being 11 years old and some girls making fun of me because I weighed 98 pounds. I learned early in life to deal with my issues by using food as a comfort and have spent half my life battling weight loss. I reached my heaviest weight in June of 174. I looked down at the scale and reminded myself, "I never weighed this much when I was pregnant". At that moment I knew I needed to make some REAL changes. I am finally ready to take the steps to move beyond the unhealthy food relationship. I hope to post photos of the foods I eat, recipes I find, and tips on how my journey is progressing. My husband is the head wrestling coach at our local university and he has already been a great help to me with my weight loss. But in the end, I must make the choices and my goal is to be about 30 pounds lighter by December 2012. I workout by doing 20 minutes of HIT, every other day. This has really helped my energy levels and jumpstarted my metabolism. But I think for me the working out is 20% and the eating is 80%. Working out can rarely be detrimental for any of us, I always feel better when I've sweated! My real issue is with eating and how to deal with my emotions the right way.

While I was having babies my go-to weight was between 150 and 155. I thought I was huge then but looking at photos from that time period I can see how healthy I looked. I was running for the first year after my ex-husband left and I think I was really "running away" from my problems. I competed in several races including a half-marathon and after that major accomplishment I haven't felt like running one more step (the half was in October 2010). Maybe one day I will run again. But for now I want to do exercise which motivates me and that I enjoy.
This picture is from my wedding, the same day in June when I weighed myself. That green dress was tighter on me then when I bought it just a few weeks before. Everyone was very complimentary of me that day and I did feel beautiful, but a part of me felt fat and lazy. Almost to the day three years before was when my ex left. Those few years of being a single parent added a lot of stress and weight. Now it's time for me to move on, let the past go and be free!

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