
Weigh-In Day

Does this day tend to stress anyone else out besides me?! I chose Monday because that's when I decided to begin this lifestyle change. But as I've gotten further into this process (and lost 7.2 pounds) I've decided to change my day. Our weekends are unpredictable and I tend to be a lot less structured with my kids, my sleep, my eating and it's okay!! I am doing this weight loss thing my way and decided Fridays are better for me to judge how I'm doing. This change is not to give myself a free pass to eat whatever I want on Saturday and Sunday, but to allow me to enjoy my lounge time and not think so much about food. Bryan and I have gone out the past few Friday nights and haven't eaten the healthiest meals. Splurging every once in a while is good but it doesn't have to be close to my "day." While the scale is not the ultimate redeemer of my weight, I can't really tell there is a change when I put my clothes on. So I step on the digital box.

What day do you weigh-in? Do you have any other ways you can tell if you lose or gain a few pounds?

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